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DECA Graduation Stoles will be available to senior DECA members in good standing who has accrued the minimum # of points depending on when they joined the club (see below for additional class & point information).
Joined as a senior - must gain at least 50 points
Joined as a junior - must gain at least 100 points
Joined as a sophomore - must gain at least 150 points
Joined as a freshman - must gain at least 200 points
The advisor will coordinate the purchase of stoles and will be paid individually ($20.00). It is the member's responsibility to make sure the required number of points are accrued and all documentation is turned in by April 30.
**Community Service hours can be DECA related or can by ANY service hours that contributes to CHHS or the community in large. Hours must be logged and be signed by the point person on the project (advisor, teacher, community leader, etc.) Only 25% of your points may come from community service.
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