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Congratulations on taking the second step to become a Chapel Hill High School DECA Chapter Officer! We encourage rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to apply. To maintain our excellence and improving in GA DECA, it is critical CHHS DECA has a strong officer team.

As a DECA Officer, you'll represent your parents, CHHS, CHHS DECA, and GA DECA. Your positions enables you to play an active role in continuing the growing legacy in our DECA program. Students who have other conflicts and commitments or looking to lengthen college applications are not encouraged to apply as being on this team requires a commitment you may not have room enough to share.

With that said, if you meet the criteria, we encourage you to take a more active role in our chapter by running for a position. Candidates will apply for a spot on the team, not a specific position (determined at a later date).

Deadlines and specifics are listed below. Thank you in advance.

*Late applications not accepted

*Need to have taken Mrs. Austin's class or have previously competed

*Past officers must re-apply for a 2019-20 spot


Application Process​

Begins Sunday, April 8

Due Sunday, April 15 (@11:59pm)

Interviews (if needed)​

Tentatively ranging from Wednesday, April 18 to Friday, April 20

(Advisor and President-elect will be conducting these interviews)


Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 21 or Wednesday, April 25

(Advisor and President-elect will confer with each other on who should be on the team and which position you will serve; Jayden or Mrs. Austin will send out emails or texts)

2017-18 TEAM


Attend ALL meetings, including officer meetings held bi-weekly on Wednesdays

(Failure to comply is subject to impeachment)

Additional Expectations and Requirements

  • Compete at Region and/or State CDC

  • Attend State CDC

  • Attend Fall LDC

  • Recruit and welcome new members

  • Promote DECA Week

  • Participate in all chapter promotional events

  • Oversee completion of membership campaign

  • Oversee completion of service campaign

  • Participate in all fundraisers and community service

  • Be open and flexible to change and new ideas

  • Communicate regularly with chapter advisor (Mrs. Austin & Mrs. Godfrey)

  • Passing all classes

  • Model ethical behavior for fellow members

  • Have a great and positive attitude


2016-17 TEAM


Executive Vice-President

  • Works closely with President (right-hand man/woman)

  • Assist in responsibilites of other officers

  • Brainstorm ideas for new recognition and awards

  • Ensure members are aware of all DECA possibilities (i.e. scholarships, chapter and state recognition)

  • Ensure CHHS reaches the highest level in all state campaigns

VP of Special Events​

  • Plan/Organize DECA Orientation

  • Plan DECA Week Activites

  • Plan DECA Tailgate(s) and Socials

  • Plan/Organize Awards Ceremony/Banquet with President and EVP

  • Maximum of two spots

VP of Membership

  • Responsible for DECA recruitment of students, professional and alumni members

  • Implement state and national membership promotional campaigns

  • Assist Mrs. Austin in entering all membership info on National DECA website

  • Lead recruitment of business partnerships

  • Preferable to take Mrs. Austin's class for the 2018-19 school year

VP of Competition

  • Promote DECA preparation sessions

  • Organize Competition Interest Meeting(s)

  • Organize competition sign-up for Region and/or State

  • Communicate completion deadline to all competitors

  • Resolve schedule conflicts/Check in with progress of competitors

  • Needs to have competed before in Region AND State

VP of Communications

  • Create monthly newsletter/email to parents and professional/alumni members on club successes/progress

  • Communicate with Yearbook on DECA pages

  • Assist in all communication tools and opportunities with other officers/club members

  • Preferable to take Mrs. Austin's class for the 2018-19 school year

  • Maximum of two spots

Chapel Hill High School

4899 Chapel Hill Rd

Douglasville, GA 30135

(770) 845-6971

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